The Third Wave is for texts that will continue to enhance your understanding through specialized, complimentary, or especially succinct works. Many of these are difficult to comprehend without sufficient background, but very rich after establishing some content. The shorter works are often significant for singular prophecies that were fulfilled by Jesus, further tightening your grasp on the story.
- Revelation: History ends, Satan cast into the lake of fire, and a new Heaven and Earth where God is the light
- Leviticus: The laws of the ancient Israelites, love your neighbor as yourself
- Ruth: Ruth marries Boaz, the great grandfather of David
- 1 Chronicles: Another presentation of David
- 2 Chronicles: Another presentation of Solomon and the Kings of Ancient Israel
- Tobit: The Archangel Raphael aids Tobit in his adventure (OC)
- Judith: Judith saves the Israelites with cunning and bravery (OC)
- Esther: An Israelite woman saves her people from destruction (OCP)
- 2 Maccabees: Jewish Revolt against the Greeks (OC)
- Lamentations: Poems by Jeremiah about the Fall of Jerusalem
- Baruch: Hope for the Israelites in Exile (OC)
- Hosea: Prophet marries prostitute to represent the choices of Israel
- Joel: Promise of the Holy Spirit, Peter refers to this prophecy in Acts of the Apostles
- Amos: Judgment against Israel and its enemies, defense of the poor
- Obadiah: Judgment against a neighboring country for joining in the invasion of Israel
- Jonah: Jesus refers to Jonah directly as a 'sign' of Himself
- Micah: Referenced in the Gospel regarding where the Messiah would be born
- Nahum: Warns of the coming destruction of Nineveh and Jerusalem
- Habakkuk: God's punishment is imminent, but promises a remnant of Israel will survive
- Zephaniah: Judgement is coming, and it will mirror one's deeds
- Haggai: "the desired of all nations shall come"
- Zechariah: A saviour is coming who will enter the city on a donkey
- Malachi: The "Lord of Hosts" says "Return to me and I will return to you"
O - Orthodox | C - Catholic | P - Protestant | OCP - all traditions with variance